The CPN & ASA Winter Webinar Series is Ongoing!
Published: 02/01/2022
The Crop Protection Network is once again partnering with the American Society of Agronomy to bring you an ongoing webinar series presenting some of the greatest minds in agriculture as they discuss this year’s most impactful crop issues and how to manage them.
Enjoy this two-part event following crop protection experts as they discuss the impact of drone technologies and weed management in an increasingly herbicide-resistant environment. Don't miss this opportunity to interact with the professionals on the front lines of crop protection research while earning CCA continuing education credits!
“This webinar series provides a great opportunity for on-farm advisers to receive unbiased, science-based training on multiple pest management topics. ASA is pleased to partner with CPN to deliver free, quality education that helps advisers turn science into on-farm action.”
Drones, Cameras, Droplets, and More - The Latest Technologies for Crop Sprays
An American Society of Agronomy webinar sponsored by the Crop Protection Network.
Date: Thursday, January 20, 2022
Time: 12:00 Noon-1:00 PM Eastern/11:00 AM-12:00 Noon Central/10:00-11:00 AM Mountain/9:00-10:00 AM Pacific
The crop spraying business is poised for a revolution—one that is made possible by remotely piloted or crewed aircraft, boom-mounted cameras, and machine learning. This webinar will provide new information on drone spray performance, canopy penetration, and optical spot sprays while also discussing how new technologies will improve the timeliness and efficiency of crop protection sprays.
Dan Martin, Research Engineer, USDA-ARS
Tom Wolf, Owner, Agrimetrix Research and Training
CCA/CPAg: 1.0 Precision Agriculture
CPSS/CPSC: 1.0 Professional Meetings
Free to all registrants. Register Now!
Registration includes access to the webinar recording for 30 days.
Weed Management in an Herbicide-Resistant World
An American Society of Agronomy webinar sponsored by the Crop Protection Network.
Date: Thursday, February 3, 2022
Time: 12:00 Noon-12:30 PM Eastern/11:00 AM-11:30 Central/10:00-10:30 AM Mountain/9:00-9:30 AM Pacific
Weed management is more challenging now than it has been at any point in the past 25 years. Herbicide resistance has resulted in the need to explore non-chemical weed management tactics and to relearn some older concepts, such as understanding weed biology and the weed seed bank. This webinar will discuss research on non-chemical weed management strategies, including cereal rye weed suppression, weed electrocution, and at-harvest weed seed destruction.
Mandy Bish, Extension Weed Specialist, University of Missouri
CCA/CPAg: 0.5 Pest Management
CPSS/CPSC: 0.5 Professional Meetings
Free to all registrants. Register Now!
Registration includes access to the webinar recording for 30 days.
This publication was developed by the Crop Protection Network, a multi-state and international collaboration of university/provincial extension specialists and public/ private professionals that provides unbiased, research-based information to farmers and agricultural personnel. This information in this publication is only a guide, and the authors assume no liability for practices implemented based on this information. Reference to products in this publication is not intended to be an endorsement to the exclusion of others that may be similar. Individuals using such products assume responsibility for their use in accordance with current directions of the manufacturer.
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