3D Tools

Apothecia and Sclerotium 3D Model Single Color

Apothecia and Sclerotium 3D Model Single Color
This single color 3D model shows apothecia growing from a sclerotium. A color version is also available.
Model developed by Adam Sisson with support from the North Central IPM Center (2022-70006-38001), as part of the Tactile ToolBox Working Group.
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Apothecia and Sclerotium 3D Model Two Color

Apothecia and Sclerotium 3D Model Two Color
This two color 3D model shows apothecia growing from a sclerotium in GCODE format for a Bambu Lab P1S Printer. A single color version is also available.
Model developed by Adam Sisson with support from the North Central IPM Center (2022-70006-38001), as part of the Tactile ToolBox Working Group.
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Corn Leaf

Corn Leaf
Healthy corn leaf 3D model. Can be modified as needed.
Model developed by Adam Sisson with support from the North Central IPM Center (2022-70006-38001), as part of the Tactile ToolBox Working Group.
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Corn Leaf: 1, 5, 20, 30 Defoliation

Corn Leaf: 1, 5, 20, 30 Defoliation
Partial corn leaves with a range of approximate defoliation severities: 1, 5, 20, and 30 percent. Each leaf has a ring so all leaves in the series can be connected and the approximate defoliation amount is marked on each leaf. The download is a ZIP file with four STL files, one for each approximate defoliation level.
Model developed by Adam Sisson with support from the North Central IPM Center (2022-70006-38001), as part of the Tactile ToolBox Working Group.
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Frogeye Leaf Spot of Soybean Disease Severity

Frogeye Leaf Spot of Soybean Disease Severity
Soybean leaflet with approximately 2 percent severity of frogeye leaf spot lesions. This model was developed for printers with single-color capability and frogeye leaf spot lesions are represented as lesion-shaped holes in tissue.
Model developed by Adam Sisson with support from the North Central IPM Center (2022-70006-38001), as part of the Tactile ToolBox Working Group.
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Gray Leaf Spot of Corn Lesion Severity

Gray Leaf Spot of Corn Lesion Severity
Partial corn leaf with approximately 11 percent severity of gray leaf spot lesions. This model was developed for printers with single-color capability and gray leaf spot lesions are represented as lesion-shaped holes in tissue.
Model developed by Adam Sisson with support from the North Central IPM Center (2022-70006-38001), as part of the Tactile ToolBox Working Group.
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Northern Corn Leaf Blight Lesion Severity

Northern Corn Leaf Blight Lesion Severity
Partial corn leaf showing approximate percent northern corn leaf blight severity as missing tissue. Versions are labelled with approximate percent severity. This model was developed for printers with single-color capability and northern corn leaf spot lesions are represented as lesion-shaped holes in tissue.
Model developed by Adam Sisson with support from the North Central IPM Center (2022-70006-38001), as part of the Tactile ToolBox Working Group.
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Soybean Leaf With Japanese Beetle Feeding

Soybean Leaf With Japanese Beetle Feeding
Soybean leaflet with Japanese beetle skeletonization.
Model developed by Adam Sisson with support from the North Central IPM Center (2022-70006-38001), as part of the Tactile ToolBox Working Group.
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Soybean Leaflets With Defoliation Ranging from 1-30 Percent Severity

Soybean Leaflets With Defoliation Ranging from 1-30 Percent Severity
Soybean leaflets showing a range of approximate defoliation levels including 1, 5, 10, 15, 20, and 30 percent severity. Each leaf has a ring so all leaves in the series can be connected and the approximate defoliation amount is marked on each leaf. The download is a ZIP file with six STL files, one for each approximate defoliation level.
Model developed by Adam Sisson with support from the North Central IPM Center (2022-70006-38001), as part of the Tactile ToolBox Working Group.
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Soybean Stem Lesions - Four Different Types

Soybean Stem Lesions - Four Different Types
This multi-color 3D model shows various lesion types on a soybean stem including Phytophthora, stem canker, pod and stem blight, and Rhizoctonia. This GCODE file is for Bambu Lab P1S printers.
Model developed by Adam Sisson with support from the North Central IPM Center (2022-70006-38001), as part of the Tactile ToolBox Working Group.
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Soybean Trifoliate: 10, 20, and 30 Percent Defoliation

Soybean Trifoliate: 10, 20, and 30 Percent Defoliation
Soybean trifoliate showing approximately 10, 20, and 30 percent defoliation on three leaflets. Percent of defoliation is shown on each leaflet.
Model developed by Adam Sisson with support from the North Central IPM Center (2022-70006-38001), as part of the Tactile ToolBox Working Group.
CPN User
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