CCA CEU Quizzes
Credits for Continuing Education
Available Examinations
- Cover Crops Do’s & Don’t’s - CPN 4002
- Fungicide Resistance in Field Crops FAQs - CPN 4001
- Fungicide Use in Field Crops Ch. 1: Fungicide Use
- Fungicide Use in Field Crops Ch. 2: Fungicide Chemical Classes
- Fungicide Use in Field Crops Ch. 3: Fungicide Application
- Fungicide Use in Field Crops Ch. 4: Optimizing Fungicide Use
- Crop Scouting Basics for Corn and Soybean Ch. 1: Introduction to Scouting
- Crop Scouting Basics for Corn and Soybean Ch. 2: Know Your Field
- Crop Scouting Basics for Corn and Soybean Ch. 3: Introduction to Insects
- Crop Scouting Basics for Corn and Soybean Ch. 4: Plant Disease
- Crop Scouting Basics for Corn and Soybean Ch. 5: Introduction to Weeds
- Crop Scouting Basics for Corn and Soybean Ch. 6: Noninfectious Disorders
- Antimicrobial Resistance from Fungicide Use Can Affect Public Health
- Bringing Plant Disease Forecasting Science to the 21st Century Farm
- Cover Crops and Weed Management
- Biopesticides for Crop Disease Management Ch. 1: Definitions
- Biopesticides for Crop Disease Management Ch. 2: Regulatory Requirements for Biopesticides
- Biopesticides for Crop Disease Management Ch. 3: Biopesticide Labeling
- Biopesticides for Crop Disease Management Ch. 4: Biofungicides
- Biopesticides for Crop Disease Management Ch. 5: Applications and Formulations
- Biopesticides for Crop Disease Management Ch. 6: Optimizing Biopesticide Use
- See & Spray Technology
- Italian Ryegrass Management in Winter Wheat
- Dectes Stem Borer Biology and Management
- Johnsongrass A Persistent and Continuous Challenge
- Charcoal Rot of Soybean - CPN 1004
- Considerations for Selecting Soybean Varieties - CPN 4004
- Detection and Prevalence of Oomycete Seedling Diseases on Soybean - CPN 5003
- Factors to Consider Before Using a Soybean Seed Treatment - CPN 4003
- Frogeye Leaf Spot of Soybean - CPN 1017
- Improved Screening Method for Genetic Resistance to White Mold (Sclerotinia stem rot) in Soybean - CPN 5006
- New Fungi Discovered Causing Phomopsis Seed Decay of Soybean - CPN 5007
- Pesticide Impact on White Mold (Sclerotinia Stem Rot) and Soybean Yield - CPN 5001
- Pod and Stem Blight and Phomopsis Seed Decay of Soybean - CPN 1007
- Seedling Diseases of Soybean - CPN 1008
- Seed Treatment and Foliar Fungicide Impact on Sudden Death Syndrome and Soybean Yield - CPN 5002
- Soybean Cyst Nematode of Soybean - CPN 1022
- Soybean Seed Treatments and Oomycete Fungicide Resistance Testing - CPN 5004
- Soybean Vein Necrosis Virus - CPN 1003
- Sudden Death Syndrome of Soybean - CPN 1011
- Stem Canker of Soybean - CPN 1006
- Webinar - Resistance is Futile: The Latest on Fungicide Resistance in Soybean Pathogens
- Webinar - Soybean seedling disease research and management update
- Webinar - Seedling disease of soybean and using seed treatments to reduce losses
- Webinar - Soybean taproot decline: diagnosis and management
- White Mold of Soybean - CPN 1005
- Cover Crops Do’s & Don’t’s - CPN 4002
- Fungicide Resistance in Field Crops FAQs - CPN 4001
- Root-Knot Nematodes - CPN 1027
- Modern Integrated Management Practices for Controlling White Mold of Soybean - CPN 5009
- The Effect of Wheat on Soybean Cyst Nematode Populations in Double-Cropping Soybean Production - CPN 5010
- Taking the Headache out of Managing Phytophthora in Soybean
- Managing Insecticide-Resistant Soybean Aphid
- Creation of New Soybean Varieties with High Levels of Resistance to White Mold - CPN 5011
- Soybean Diaporthe and Phomopsis
- Using Remote Sensing to Understand the Epidemiology of Taproot Decline of Soybean
- Soybean Sudden Death Syndrome Update
- Stopping a Soybean Killer A Systems Biology Approach
- Loss of Effective Soybean Phytophthora Root and Stem Rot Resistance Genes
- Monitoring for resistance to the SDHI fungicide seed treatments ILEVO (fluopyram) and Saltro (pydiflumetofen) for soybean sudden death syndrome (SDS) management
- An Overview of Cercospora Leaf Blight of Soybean
- White Mold Insights and Updates for 2025
- Pythium Management Explained Protect Your Crops from Seedling Blight
- Bacterial Leaf Streak of Corn - CPN 2008
- Ear Rots of Corn - CPN 2001
- Goss's Bacterial Wilt and Blight of Corn - CPN 2010
- Impact of foliar fungicide timing and fungicide class on corn yield response in the United States and Ontario, Canada - CPN 5005
- Southern Rust of Corn - CPN 2009
- Tar Spot of Corn - CPN 2012
- Tar Spot of Corn - Web Book - CPN 2015
- Cover Crops Do’s & Don’t’s - CPN 4002
- Mycotoxin FAQs - CPN 2002
- Corn Nematodes and Their Management in Hybrid Corn
- Corn Rootworm Management: Insecticide and Plant Trait Use and Resistance Considerations in the Transgenic Era
- Frequently asked Questions about Crown Rot in Corn - CPN 2020
- An Overview of Northern Corn Leaf Blight - CPN 2022
- Tar Spot Prediction in Corn: The Weather Matters
- How do Agronomic Choices Affect Tar Spot Severity?
- Tar Spot of Corn Emerging in New States
- Best Practices for Tar Spot Management
- Tar Spot Epidemiology, Model Development, and Decision Support
- Multi-state Fungicide Efficacy Trials to Manage Tar Spot and Improve Economic Returns in Corn in the United States and Canada
- Pythium Management Explained Protect Your Crops from Seedling Blight
- Crown Rot of Corn Theres a Party Going On
- Stripe Rust of Wheat - CPN 3004
- Cover Crops Do’s & Don’t’s - CPN 4002
- Fungicide Resistance in Field Crops FAQs - CPN 4001
- Optimizing Fungicide Use for Fusarium Head Blight (Scab) and Associated Mycotoxins - CPN 3001
- Stagonospora Nodorum Leaf and Glume Blotch - CPN 3003
- An Overview of Fusarium Head Blight - CPN 3003
- Italian Ryegrass Management in Winter Wheat
- The Ergot Challenge: Management in Wheat and Agriculture Impacts