Crop Protection Network and University of Georgia's Center for Invasive Species and Ecosystem Health Collaborate to Bring High Quality Plant Disease and Insect Pest Images to Educators
Published: 02/16/2024
The Crop Protection Network and the UGA Center for Invasive Species and Ecosystem Health have come together to provide educators with high-quality plant disease, insect pest, and disorder images for non-commercial use at no cost. The collaboration aims to enhance the educational experience by providing access to a library of Integrated Pest Management (IPM)-related images that can be used in classrooms, extension offices, and other educational and non-commercial settings. The Crop Protection Network is a multi-state and international collaboration of university and provincial Extension specialists and public and private professionals that provides unbiased, research-based information to farmers and other agricultural stakeholders. The Center provides an easily accessible archive of high quality IPM images for use in educational applications through its Bugwood Image Database System. Thanks to this collaboration, the Crop Protection Network's stakeholders can access Bugwood IPM Images to enhance their teaching and outreach efforts.
'We are excited to collaborate with UGA and their Bugwood Images Database System and offer our stakeholders access to these images', said Kiersten Wise, Extension Specialist and Professor at the University of Kentucky and co-director of the Crop Protection Network. 'The images curated by the Center and available on the Bugwood Image sites, including IPM Images, are of high quality and are an excellent resource to use in educational and outreach efforts. The database is continually updated with new images and information, making it an invaluable resource for educators.'
'We are thrilled to partner with the Crop Protection Network', said Joe LaForest, associate director of the UGA Center for Invasive Species and Ecosystem Health. 'Our goal is to provide high-quality educational resources to anyone who needs them, and this collaboration helps us achieve that. By working together, the Crop Protection Network and the Center have made it easier for educators to access high-quality, research-based information and images, ultimately benefiting farmers and other agricultural stakeholders.'
To access the IPM images, visit the Bugwood Image Database System.
This publication was developed by the Crop Protection Network, a multi-state and international collaboration of university/provincial extension specialists and public/ private professionals that provides unbiased, research-based information to farmers and agricultural personnel. This information in this publication is only a guide, and the authors assume no liability for practices implemented based on this information. Reference to products in this publication is not intended to be an endorsement to the exclusion of others that may be similar. Individuals using such products assume responsibility for their use in accordance with current directions of the manufacturer.
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