Bean Binoculars Incident


Issue: Abiotic Factor

Scounted in Pickaway County, OH on September 9th, 2024



This area of Ohio is under a D4 (Exceptional) drought. The ongoing drought conditions have led to extremely dry soybean grain with compromised pod integrity.


If possible, harvest in a timely manner to reduce harvest losses. Dry pods that are re-wetted can cause further problems. Photos are from this Ohio State Extension C.O.R.N. newsletter.


Laura Lindsey
The Ohio State University


Drought Conditions | Ohio State Extension

A photo of a very dry soybean field. Left Photo: Pod splitting, very dry soybean plants. Right photo: Pod shatter, soybeans on the ground. Both from Clark Co, OH in 2017. Photo of a hand holding a very dry and damaged soybean.