Bean Binoculars Incident

Cercospora Leaf Blight

Issue: Pathogen

Scounted in Pittsylvania County, VA on August 23rd, 2024

Cercospora Leaf Blight


Cercospora Leaf Blight of soybean was found to be widespread across a field of R5 (beginning seed) soybeans. The field had been planted in early May with a determinate maturity group 5 variety. Symptoms observed include a purple or bronze discoloration and leathery texture of the top 3 leaves of the plant during seed fill growth stages. Cercospora leaf blight is caused by Cercospora kikuchii. 


While there are foliar fungicides registered for Cercospora leaf blight, their use is often not needed because the disease rarely causes significant yield loss. Rotating with a non-host crop (corn, small grains) and tillage may help reduce pathogen levels. Consider variety susceptibility for future years. 


Carrie Ortel
Virginia Tech


Cercospora Leaf Blight | NC State Extension
Cercospora Leaf Blight | Soybean Research & Information Network

Photo of a soybean trifoliate displaying purple/bronze discoloration due to Cercospora leaf blight. Photo showing a soybean field with many leaves showing purple/bronze discoloration due to Cercospora Leaf Blight. Photo showing a soybean field with many leaves showing purple/bronze discoloration due to Cercospora Leaf Blight.