Bean Binoculars Incident

Bacterial Blight

Issue: Pathogen

Scounted in Griggs County, ND on July 4th, 2024

Bacterial Blight


Yellow halos on R1 (beginning flower) soybeans were observed following a heavy wind storm. Leaves damaged by weather are left more susceptible to diseases, like in this case, Bacterial Blight. As symptoms progress, leaves may develop large, irregular dead areas that may fall out, leaving the leaves look tattered. 


 Bacterial Blight of soybean is caused by Pseudomonas savastanoi pv. glycinea. While it is generally one of the first foliar diseases to occur on soybean, it rarely contributes to yield loss. Crop rotation with non-host species and tillage may reduce the bacteria's survival. You can learn more about Bacterial Blight of Soybean in this resource from CPN. 


Bacterial Blight | CPN

Photo of a hand holding a soybean trifoliate displaying many yellow halo lesions. Photo of a hand holding a soybean trifoliate displaying many lesions from Bacterial Blight.