Bean Binoculars Incident


Issue: Abiotic Factor

Scounted in Murray County, MN on June 28th, 2024



Widespread flooding occurred throughout northern states. These photos were taken along the Des Moines River in SWMN as flood waters were receding. Once water receded, fields were left with heavy debris in many areas. Soybeans that were completed submerged were left necrotic. 


Wait until flood water recedes completely to reassess stands. Be aware that stressed plants may be more susceptible to pests and scout for new issues. Replanting decisions involve many concurrent factors, you can learn more in this factsheet from Science for Success. You can read more about the effects of flooding on soybeans in this article from the University of Minnesota Extension and in this article from Iowa State Extension. 


Replanting Decisions | Science for Success
Flooding | University of Minnesota Extension
Flooding | Iowa State Extension

Photo of a row of water logged soybeans that are completely necrotic. The soil has lots of crop debris from the flood. Photo of a young soybean plant arising from heavy crop debris from a flood. Photo of young soybeans completely necrotic after a flood. Photo of heavy crop debris that was left after a flood. Photo of flood water receding in the distance. Photo of a flooded field as flood waters recede.